35th All British Day 2019
Planning for the 2019 event to be held at Echunga Recreation Grounds on 10th February is well underway following closure of entries.
In all, 875 entries have been received; 820 cars and 55 motorcycles. This is only a handful of entries less than the record highest number for any one event since its inception. Needless to say, at least on paper, if all entrants participate, ground space will be at a premium.
TSOA(SA) is once again well represented with 58 entrants nominating to display their pride and joy. This is the equal third highest number of entrants of all clubs. We will once again be on the main Oval parking back to back and should have ample room for our marquees and display of vehicles.
A number of vehicles and motorcycles with racing heritage will be featured in the centre display of the main Oval and the Sporting Car Club of South Australia will be featured on Oval 2 in recognition of their 85th anniversary. Major sponsors will also be in the centre of the main Oval and I would encourage you to visit these sponsors who assist in making this day a success.
Other features on the day will be the old faithful Rolls Royce Merlin engine courtesy of the South Australian Aviation Museum, an Aerobatic Display at 1.00pm by 13 times Australian Aerobatic Champion Chris Sperou and a climbing wall courtesy of Scouts SA for the young and young at heart to test their skills.
I would also encourage members to visit the various Traders on the eastern side of the grounds and Traders Hall to see what’s new. If you haven’t visited this area recently you may be surprised what is actually there.
Finally due to the number of entries for 2019 we are seeking the services of 5 or 6 qualified marshals to assist with the 9.00am to 10.30am admission of vehicles. If you are not qualified but would like to assist, ABD offers marshal training to be conducted at the Sporting Car Club clubrooms at 7.30pm on Friday 1st February, 2019. If you are able to assist on the day please contact me as soon as possible.
Wishing all members and your families a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
I look forward to seeing you at All British Day 2019 if not before.
Geoff Ellis – ABD Representative
mob : 0408 829 195 email : dawesley7@bigpond.com