Annual Weekender 2016

Annual Weekender

Saturday May 14th and Sunday May 15th 2016

Come along and enjoy the Murray River.

Meet: Saturday 14th 9.00am Burnside Town Hall

Saturday run will travel through the Adelaide Hills and will include

  • a visit to the Serenity Nursery at Murray Bridge,
  • visit to a Vintage Speedcar member Bob Holland collection of Speedcars and memorabilia, (or shopping in the main street of Mannum),
  • Dinner at the Mannum Community Club
  • Accommodation at the Mannum Motel

Sunday will include

  • Breakfast at the Rowing club
  • River Cruise
  • Visit to the Museum
  • Lunch in the park provided by the Lions Club

Cost:  $125.00 per person Twin Share (costs includes accommodation, main meals and activities)

Cost: $180 single

Children by negotiation with Bill

Non members plus $25.00 per person

Payment due April meeting -19th April

Bookings with Bill/Margie 0438836837

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