After months of planning and a cancelled event last year, we were finally able to run the TSOA Display day. Traditionally this event runs towards the end of the year but it was decided by the committee to run it during the autumn months. This is good for me regarding the trophies as I typically only get a few weeks to sort that part of the process out. Less stress this year on A-Class.
With the current global issue, most councils were not permitting the use of their grounds but thankfully, an 11th hour call back to the Modbury council gave us the go ahead to use the grounds.
My concern during set up in the morning was that there were several other car shows being held on the same day and the short notice of our event could possibly have had an impact. It was pleasing to see the turnout of 40 or so cars across the full range of the Marque.
Several notifications for the day.
The judges were a great support to me once again. I had several that had not done this before for us so thank you to all of those that supported this crucial part of the event.
The federation also sponsored us. They allowed my last minute request for a grant, so again, free for the club.
Café Primo also supported with a meal deal and several took advantage of this during the day.

The event also allowed for a more general presentation of the club and I was able to help with three more cars added to the Historical Rego scheme, a TR6 presented on the day for sale. I had a call later that night regarding the car and was informed the day after that it had SOLD. Great result for the owner. We had a few interested people wanting more details on the club and a lot of interest from the public.
So onto the results: We had five cars enter Concours and a further 23 enter Pride of ownership. Several other cars were on display but not entered for judging. Total count 40 cars all up.

Outright winner : Roger Lange with the yellow Dolomite Sprint.
Concours d’Elegance
First place: Roger Lange Dolomite Sprint and Overall winner.
Second place: David Stephens: TR2
Third place: Richard Sellers TR8
Marque results.
TR2 / 3 David Stephens also recipient – Register Trophy
TR4 / 5 Ian Burman also recipient – Michelotti Trophy
TR6 No Entries
TR7 / 8 Richard Sellers also recipient – Harris Mann Trophy
Stag No Entries
Saloon: Bob Cini
Dolomite: Roger Lange
Spitfire / GT6 No Entries
Master Class: 2500TC John Tuohy
Pride of Ownership
TR2 /3 Vic Neave
TR4 / 5 Bob Kretschmer
TR6 Trevor Hawkins
TR7 / 8 Bob Farrell
Spitfire / GT6 Nathan Parkes
Stag Duane Kaak
Saloon Roger Lange
Dolomite Bob Cini

So for next year.
I am open to submissions of venue and also for any ideas that may be added or changed. It’s a difficult day trying to make sure that all cars are correctly represented and nothing gets missed, as it does on occasions but we always check and try to make sure we get it right. I lay out all of the documents again when I get home and do a double check.
After hosting this event for several years, I’m now wondering if anyone would be willing to take on the challenge and run the event for themselves. Naturally, I would be in full support until you were fully in tune with running the programme.
Ian Rigby