Girl Torque – Feb 09
Welcome to 2009 and I hope everyone had a safe and happy Festive Season.
It is already the end of January and the calendar is filling up – a reminder that we have the first Ladies “Technical” Lunch on Tuesday 10th February at 12.00noon at Café Bongiourno at Mitcham do hope you can join us.
The Gelato and Coffee night in January went well and I hope everyone enjoyed the Fish and Chip and Ice-cream run that Judie and Tom organised.
The supper roster is beginning to fill, so if you can help where the vacancies are, please let me know. I have increased the savoury budget to $30.00 but kept the sweet at $20.00. The raffle money should cover costs, so remember to keep your receipts.
Thanks for your help and see you all at the upcoming events!