Minutes of Annual General Meeting 21/8/18
President’s closing remarks . . .
Thanks again to all the members supporting me over the past 12 months.
It’s been an interesting year.
This year we need to recognise people that have been long standing support and those that have spent time working to give the club the information needed to function as a club.
This Year –
The President’s award goes to Natalie Farrell for many years of support with the club membership. Even though her position will not be taken up again she will remain as a support until someone takes over for her.
The Vice President’s award goes to Dean and Marg Bogisch for their contribution to the Trak.
The meeting was handed over to Bill Berlemon and Roger Lange
All positions were stated as open anyone can nominate.
I present the as yet unaudited financial accounts for the 2017/18 year. My apologies for missing the AGM and not being able to present my report in person.
Clearly we have had a less than profitable year, however this is due mainly (in fact almost solely) to the decision to offer a $10 discount on subscription fees for those who paid prior to 30th June last year. This decision was made by the club executive due to our much better than expected financial position after the 2016 Nationals, and the change in subs due date to the 30thJune.
A couple of notable issues in comparing 2017/18 with the previous financial year include the boost we got last year from the Nationals, particularly with regalia sales which are much lower this year, and extra money spent on trophies and motorsport sponsorship of our team at Wakefield Park in this financial year. We had to buy more logbooks than last year due in part to the change to the Historic scheme, and venue rent increased (and has again this year). We have lost some Trak advertising with two long-term advertisers retiring and also write-off of previously accrued income from this source from last year as a result. We also paid for the lodgement of the new constitution with OCBR this year (including in Accounting, as there was no other more appropriate existing category) and a full year of MYOB Essentials monthly fee. Depreciation is up due to our purchase of the new display marquee. On the positive side, Bill and Margie brought in the Weekender at well below budget, and we had lower Trak expenses this year. We also saved on DOT hire at Semaphore as compared to last year at Glenelg.
Overall, whilst we had a significant trading loss for the year, this was in line with budget. The increase in subs should see the 2018/19 net position close to break even. Whilst membership numbers remain high, we are an aging club and retirement numbers are generally exceeding new memberships each year, with 27 members not renewing in 2018/19. Luckily we have a very healthy bank balance and have plenty in reserve to cover unforeseen circumstances. My thanks go to the club and executive, particularly President Ian and Secretary Duane for their support during the year. Special thanks also to membership secretary Natalie Farrell, who I work with closely throughout the year, and who does an absolutely fantastic job. Without Natalie’s diligence and perseverance in collecting subs and accounting for every dollar with great accuracy, the role of TSOA Treasurer would be a very onerous one.
Alex Smithson
TSOA Treasurer
August 2018
Elected Committee for 2018 to 2019
President: Ian Rigby
Vice President: David Stephens
Secretary: Duane Kaak
Treasurer: Alex Smithson
Competition Secretary: Neil Martin.
Magazine Editors: No take up Dean and Marg called the next day and offered to do the next electronic only.
Social Secretary: Sue Gibson and Peggy Argent
Appointed Representatives:
Membership Secretary: Natalie is in Caretaker mode.
- Thankyou goes out to Graham Dean. Graham has offered to take over this position and will be “In Training”
DisTRibution Manager: Not required until someone takes on TRAK
Historical Vehicle Registration: Kevin Foster
Assist Hist. Vehicle Reg: Colin White
Assist Hist. Vehicle Reg: Stuart Ghent
TSOA Library: Greg Page
Clothing & Regalia: Sue Smithson
Concours & Pride of Ownership: Ian Rigby
Advertising: Arrand Ellery
Meeting Display: Duane Kaak
All British Delegate: Geoff Ellis
Club Historian: Vacant
Web Site Manager: Roger Lange
Marque Representatives would be as currently displayed on the Web
August 28th, 2018 at 11:02 pm
Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to all those members who have offered their services for the next year. From a membership of almost 300 it seems to me that the responsibility of filling these important roles continues to fall onto the few who care . . . the silent majority remain silent! Thank you again to the REAL membership of this Triumph Sports Owners Association in South Australia. Without you, the rest would not have any of the benefits of membership . . .