President Report – June 2014
My June “Report” or more my monthly thoughts….
Last month was pretty quiet on the social side of the club and given the current weather (windy, cold & raining as I write this), I am sure many of you prefer to stay in a warm snuggly bed, or cosy lounge room than venture out to brave the elements. This is a great time to write my monthly report, indoors rather than working on a car or the house. Maybe you also read the Trak when the weather is not so nice outside, curled up with a coffee? Once the read is over, maybe you could also jot down a few words, write a technical article on how to do something, or a humorous story about how not to do something, or just a story about you and your Triumph. The magazine is a much better read when it has a great variety of articles. Go on, do it! I’ve not heard everyone’s story as to how they came to buy their first Triumph, and why? Or some pictures of you and your Triumph from many years ago? At the last meeting we were donated a large back catalogue of Trak magazines, with some great old photos, but I know there are many great photos and stories out there that have never been told through the magazine.
The Competition side still had some activity recently with members participating in Hillclimbs, Super Sprints & regularity competions. By the time you read this a group of cars from SA will have also competed at Wakefield Park in NSW, so I am sure they will have some great photos and stories to report. I am attending as a spectator, Junior Pit Crew, coffee guy etc. I also went with Neil Martin 2 years ago and my favourite memory was of “Jeff” in his early 20’s in his Dad’s TR7 V8 (Peter Wards) starting last place in the reverse grid, going cross country, using every inch of track and every horsepower under the hood to get around and pass the 20 or so slower cars. David Lindsay will be competing in his Dad’s (Trevor Lindsay) GT6 so with young lads at the wheels of Dad’s car driving them like they stole them, it is sure to be just as fun to watch as it is to compete.
Coming up soon is an afternoon run, leaving about 1:30pm in the afternoon for an Afternoon tea. Plenty of time that morning to wash off the dust, check battery, fuel, oil , lights etc and meet us there! Maybe it is a late enough start that your son can get of bed and you can let him have a drive of your Triumph? Hope to see you there.