President’s Report – August 2013 & AGM

Its been a short year in the HOT Seat but again a huge thank you to all of those who have given me support and guidance and advice.

The committee intends to continue work on our Constitution this year, and just recently Mike Temby found a near original copy of our current one and a copy on a ‘Floppy Disk’. Technology has come a long way over time and the TSOA has embraced that with email, and a great and growing website.

It was a year mixed with sadness of the loss of some members including John Sampson & John Allnut who we all saw regularly and new well, but also exciting to meet some new members and new cars.

All in all we still have a very strong club, with some fun and professional events. If you were there, you know how great they were, and they are too numerous to list here. We have just as much coming up, so come along! Although Bill is the Social Secretary, his job is certainly made easier by the volunteers who set and managed runs throughout the year. Thank you to all who drove, mapped and double checked all the run sheets, rang and organised venues for morning tea, lunches and dinners etc to make our social events such a success.

I do so love the TRak magazine so I appeal to all of you to consider how we can continue this to a high standard.  It is a great record of our club, advertising us and the fun times we have in our cars, and each issue over the last 12 months and more has been superb. A Huge thank you to the outgoing editor, Richard Sutherland. He is also the recipient of this year’s Presidents Award.

I also see an opportunity to get more Triumphs on the stage, even repeats from years ago that I’d love to hear about what problems you may have had or repairs undertaken.

Although we have a couple of years, this year I would also like to  begin planning for our National Rally in 2016, an event that the TSOA SA can certainly be proud from our past performance.

Thank you all for the support over the past year, and I certainly look forward to the opportunities in the future.


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