President’s Report – August 2018


President’s Report – August 2018

This report is on top of the final meeting for the year and the AGM information presented. I would also like to present a short discussion on the way forward for our ability to communicate to all members.

We do have a large membership and naturally there are numbers of silent members who are happy just to be involved from a distance and get information Via Electronic TRak or the Bi-monthly hard copy TRak magazine. That’s fine too, the more members the better. However we need to communicate with everyone the best way we can.

As the outgoing President at this year’s AGM (my first in this position) it was interesting again to see who would nominate to help with the running.  We all discussed the possibilities at the prior month’s Executive meeting and all agreed to still nominate, but would happy to step aside if someone else wanted a go. As you will see from the report, we now have NO Hard copy Editorial TRak. Communication to all members for the foreseeable future will be electronic via the website or possibly Electronic TRak for a few months.

Our outgoing editors have agreed, after the meeting, to sit in the background and support the electronic TRak for now. I sat with them last night and we talked about the effort that is needed to produce both Electronic and hard copy.

Interestingly they were contacted by interstate editors who are experiencing similar issues with the hard copy version with trying to get content to include. They have suggested that we share common interests and possibly support each other to get a worthwhile editorial out to the members and also share Magazines. There was discussion between the groups previously about trying this, with little support but no take up. Not sure what the issues were back then but all it really takes is for the states to have people willing to put in the effort.

I raised the question: Would it be possible to only produce two major TRak magazines each year that cover up to, and including 1) The annual weekender (This always has a good turn out and things to share.) 2) around Xmas with the TSOA display day and yearly Nationals to edit and report on. We think that if someone is willing, this would eliminate the pressure every second month and for those other times, just have Electronic. We would also consider Mail outs or block e-mail direct where more communication is needed. This function is simple.

I sat through a bit of an education on what it takes to generate a magazine and it does take time. For that reason, I understand that it would be the dedicated few willing to take time form our busy lives to do the work and also a bit of knowledge with Microsoft Publisher. The clubs Lap top is set up for this.

I do see it, that if there is enough support from the membership and/ or interstate and the draft document is there, it’s easier to compile but still needs an understanding of the way it’s built. More about the cars and interclub relationships with less loose content may be more desirable to most. Content could be added as we go and at the right time not just because we need to, “send it to publish.”  and add content just to have a TRak. This seems to be the constant struggle.

We also have a need to support the small sponsorship we have in the way of advertising and should the Mag completely fall over we are not sure if these companies would still be happy to support us if we were purely electronic.

SO THERE WE HAVE IT! – We are, for now, a club that will communicate by an electronic system so please have a think and let me know if you would like to sit and discuss taking on this important role for the club.

We did have a good result with the other unknown. As reported, Natalie has done a great job with looking after all of our membership details and providing anyone, with a need, the right information. This also supports our club Registration inspectors as these both go hand in hand and assists us all with the historic component legally. As stated in the minutes Graham Dean has kindly stepped in and will take over this important role for us. Please support Graham during his time learning the business.

I will also be suggesting that The Club Membership Secretary and Registration Inspector positions be elevated to Executive Committee level as they are 2 positions that form one of the main bases to the club’s running. To have those people present at the committee meeting would be an asset to discussion as they form a major part of the budget also.

Kind regards

Ian Rigby



PS: Don’t overlook the Christmas dinner this year it’s our 10th year at the Golf Club and they have always put on a great dinner!  

One Response to “President’s Report – August 2018”

  1. Roger Says:

    Love the photo from Bathurst Ian! You hoon you!

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