President’s Report August 2019
President Report August 2019
I can’t really say that’s another year over yet but for the club and the 2018 / 2019 Executive committee it is. The past few meetings we discussed the AGM and now that it has passed its time to let those that were not there know the results.
I thanked the past executive committee and the supporting Committee members for all of their support during the year and also presented a joint President / Vice president nomination for this year.
It was with great pleasure that we named both Alex Smithson and Duane Kaak for this years award noting the exhaustive efforts both of them put in, above and beyond their designated positions. It should also be mentioned that the club had a very committed group at all levels taking care of business and I also pass on my thanks to them.
The Executive committee stands the same at all levels with only one change to the Vice President role with Dean Berlemon taking on that roll. We thank the outgoing Vice president David Stephens for his support during the difficult year he had.
It’s also been a bit of a challenge taking up the position of Club Registration Scheme taking over from Kevin Foster who has earned a rest and noting the difficulty the group endures each year trying to get the books and reporting in order. I would like to note to all members that the cut off will be end of June and all log book issues need to be resolved prior to the start of July.
I think the transition from August back to the financial year may have been confusing for some but the 2 month “Grace period” is for our reporting not membership payments. We have held off this year right to the end of this cycle but it puts pressure on the officers to get everything sorted and the report to DPTI. Leaving it to the last week is a risk to the club and embarrassment if the report goes in and a late entry misses the report. Retracting the information after the fact is work that can be avoided with a bit of early planning and support from the members.
It was also noted, in General business, that we should consider the money the club is holding and a few suggestions were presented. We all agree that as a not for profit organisation, every effort to run the club efficiently but with stability is paramount. We are holding a good level of funds but without careful planning from our dedicated treasurer those funds could easily be reduced. We are always discussing ways to give back and I mentioned extra funding to the weekender, more funds to the racing group and subsidised runs were part of the past years planning. Anyone joining in gets the benefit of those planned events. If we end up with funds not used in that year that can only be testament to good financial planning. (remembering the budget is set 12 months in the past)
Tony Case also raised a good point that we should consider those in the club who have dedicated their membership over many years and suggested rewarding that group. I agree that we should consider what best way to thank them for their continued support. Anyone who has had uninterrupted membership for a significant amount of time should be thanked and we will be discussing this during the next year.
Onto Socially enjoying the club:
The Presentation dinner is fast approaching which means that the annual display day is not far off. I only have 2 weeks between each event to sort the trophies so I would appreciate anyone holding onto the Perpetual trophies to return them soon so that they can be engraved with the next years winners. I hope to be making contact with these people soon.
This year as mentioned in past reports we are back at Modbury and have extended an invitation to both the Stag and Tr Register to join us on the day. Maybe we can encourage one or two of them to help in the Judging to give our usual team a bit of a rest so they too can enjoy the day in its entirety.
The last club run to the Paech farm turned out to be a great event. It was well planned and executed. The predicted hail and rain on the day scared a few Triumphs into the corner of the shed but 4 represented on the day, two even running without the roof.
There was plenty to look at in and around the sheds but we were also allowed to look through the main house which had a great history and lots of collectibles.
We found a Triumph in the main Man cave and lots of historical farm tooling and machines.
In closing:
Thanks again to the dedicated team. Welcome to all of our new members and I hope to see lots of Triumphs out on the display day.
Don’t forget the TSOA Observation run September 22 departing Crafers Hotel shortly after 8.30am Club Sponsored BBQ. This year’s Run is organised by Alex and Sue Smithson. Both are looking forward to presenting the new Trophy winner on the day. Bring your thinking hat . . . Alex can be a bit sneaky.
Best regards.
Ian Rigby
President (Once again)