President’s Report January 2019

President’s Report – January 2019

I’m hoping that this finds every one well, rested and ready for another busy year. Seems we are now moving to Easter according to the retail Giants.  Who folded and bought Easter buns the day after Xmas???

Now that the mad month is over and things start to settle down again, I thought that I would open the year with a short report on what has been and gone and what is planned over the next few months / year.

For those that attended this month’s meeting I think you would agree that it was an interesting start. Richmond’s is certainly every car enthusiasts dream.  Thanks to Duane Kaak for arranging the event with a very healthy turn out despite the temperature on the day.

On the weekend several of us got together to enjoy a slightly cooler day and catch up on adventures since the close last year. We talked about several things and covered events that are planned with the club and interstate.

The Ice cream run for this year is always a good start and was well represented by our club and this year we had the stag club joined in and it seemed that the colour of choice this year was yellow.


The upcoming “All British Day” is well under way and communication has been great from Geoff Ellis our club representative on the committee. I will be one of the marshals but have been designated a specific area so for those that will be coming please look out for Aaron Ellery and possibly Kate Berlemon who will be placing you in our designated space. We have a good number of cars and as long as we adhere to the required spacing, all will get a position.

The Perth Nationals are well advanced and several members from interstate have already planned the trip. I hope that all received the message from Duane regards this just in case you are planning to go and drive to the event and possibly join in their convoy.

This year’s display day is locked in and I will be advertising this during the year once the council sends final confirmation to us with the submission of documents.

The new club reporting tool seems to be working well and by now you should have received several messages via this new method. It would be interesting to get some feedback from members on how they are feeling about messages and the current method of communicating so we can manage this in the future. We are still in the trial period so now would be a good time to ask.

The committee is also seeking feedback on the Xmas dinner. There have been talks about the future of this event regards location, timing and content and thanks to those that have taken the time to send me their thoughts on this. I will certainly be discussing this with the committee.

As the sun goes down on this month thanks again to those that have started the year off for the club and hope to see all out in the Triumphs soon. Really looking forward to seeing the new members and their cars that have joined recently.

Best regards

 Ian Rigby


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