President’s Report – June 2023
This year’s Weekender was arranged in late May, around the Riverland visiting Waikerie, Barmera and Loxton. Highlights for Julie and I were the Waikerie Machinery Museum, Rocky’s Hall of Fame and Pioneers Museum (large country and western music section) at Barmera and accommodation at the Golf Club. Unfortunately we had to leave early on Sunday as we were heading for a week in Melbourne but we’d already had a great time. Thanks to Bill and Margie for another wonderful weekender.
Once again at our last meeting there was an excellent turn-up as members came along to get their logbooks signed off before the end of the financial year. It was particularly pleasing to see the camaraderie that was displayed and the vigorous discussions taking place as members renewed friendships and common interests.
The night was added to by a spontaneous on-stage display of Mike Bonning’s MD MK1 Saloon with triple carbies. A reasonably rare saloon in good condition which Mike picked up 3 years ago after a whirlwind trip to Queensland. The car created quite a degree of interest despite Mike apologising for some of the paintwork. Many thanks Mike.
Another reminder about the AGM, which is coming up at the August meeting. A strong Club thrives because of strong participation by members at all levels. Think about what you might do to contribute to the Club (particularly taking over Regalia or the Social Secretary positions) and let us know at the AGM or before. All members of the Committee are available at any time to chat about their roles.
Some interesting Club events are coming up so check out the social calendar. I look forward to seeing you in July (my second last meeting before we move to Melbourne) and then at the AGM.
Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)