What a magnificent TR5, owned and presented by Alex Smithson at our last Club meeting!  This is what you miss out on if you don’t attend monthly TSOA meetings.  With logbooks due for annual renewal there was a larger than normal attendance, all of whom were able to inspect a beautifully restored Triumph.  And excluding our annual membership fee (which must be paid before 30 June), all it cost was the price of a raffle ticket and that’s not mandatory either.  Great enjoyment and great value!

And a giant thank you to Ian Rigby who worked solely and solidly for the whole meeting so that all logbooks presented were updated.  Ian had just driven back from Victoria, arriving an hour or so before the meeting to ensure that logbooks would be renewed.

Kaye and Lawrie Placing, with their mid week runs, are getting us out and taking us to venues that we mightn’t otherwise visit.  Their May run took members to the Meadows Hotel and although I couldn’t make it, I believe there was a good turn out.  Thanks Kay and Lawrie for your enjoyable and enthusiastic contribution.

As I am writing, we are 1 day away from the next Berlemon Weekender, this time to Barmera and Loxton.   Julie and I, together with more than 18 others, are looking forward to another interesting event.

2 meetings ago Rod Chivas from TSOA NSW introduced us to the workings of the Australian Motor Heritage Foundation (AMHF). By chance I was able to present him with a poster celebrating Triumph’s 50-year anniversary of civilised motoring.

Rod subsequently sent us this photo indicating it had been professionally framed and would be proudly hung in AMHF premises for all to see. They will also acknowledge TSOA SA as a contributor on their web site.

Don’t forget to pay your subs and get your logbooks sorted before 30 June 2023.  And remember the AGM is not far away (August meeting) so start thinking about a position on the Committee.  Confirmed vacancies include the positions of President, Social Secretary and Regalia.

Check out the social calendar.   I look forward to seeing you in June.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

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