President’s Report September 2020

Well as nerve-wracking as it might have been, I’m through my first meeting and the Club is off to a great start for the 20/21 year.

Bill and Margie’s social calendar (put it in your diary!) is more or less set for the first 3 to 4 months of the year.

They started with a memorable run to Strathalbyn where we visited Collectable Classics and Gilberts Motor Museum. Both locations were well worth a visit and absolutely captured everyone’s interest. Gilbert’s was much bigger and more comprehensive than I had imagined. Brilliant! Check out what Glen Dix (our Grand Prix flag-waver) has loaned to their library! And if you haven’t been there, make sure you pay them a visit. It is an exceptional regional attraction and a credit to the volunteers who have put it together.

An A-Model Ford (1927-31) rolled up in original and full working condition while we were there. Owned by a local family it is likely to be displayed in the museum soon. Despite the possibility of showers there was a great turn up of people, as well as Triumphs and an E-type Jag. Bill and Margie arranged a surprise fete adjacent to the museum and local hostelries entertained us for lunch.

The balance of the current social calendar is detailed elsewhere. However, the good news is that we will be having an informal end of year function on Saturday 5 December. Several Awards will be presented on the night. If you haven’t been to a meeting for a while or are a newer member, join us for some Christmas spirit! Further really good news is that the Club will be subsidising the event!

Before signing off, I would also like to encourage members to get more involved in the Club. We are strong at the moment, but we can always be stronger. Getting more involved doesn’t need to be onerous. I guarantee you will get support and have some fun. Join us at a social event, bring your car out on a run, talk to one of the Committee about what is involved in their portfolio attend 1 or 2 more meetings or write an article for FastTRak. The rewards far outweigh any extra effort.

See you again soon. Kind regards,

Peter Davidge

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