President’s Report – Sept / Oct 2022
Hi from Melbourne where Julie and I have been since the 15th of September. We are returning to Adelaide on Thursday 29 September. Grandchildren duties have kept us here. It certainly wasn’t the AFL grand final which, in any event, wasn’t particularly entertaining.
We’ve missed quite a bit while we’ve been away, in particular the Observation Run (well done Dean and Lisa) and the last Club meeting (thanks to Alex and Katherine for standing in for me and Duane). We were, however, able to squeeze in the Club mid-week run to the Duck Inn at Coromandel Valley for lunch. A very enjoyable social occasion and one which heralds similar events being organised by Kaye and Lawrie Placing over the coming months.
On another front, before I left Adelaide, I decided to replace the dash globes on my TR8 as I could hardly see any of my instruments when out at night (which I must admit rarely occurs). Dismantle the dash! Slightly unnerving but somehow, I did it. Even more amazingly, having replaced the original globes with LED’s, I was able to perfectly reassemble the dash. I spent quite a bit of time researching what replacement LED’s I should get and where I would source them. Narva globes came to the rescue, and they were easily sourced from Repco.
Don’t forget to browse the social calendar later in this FASTRAK. Bill and Margie have a very extensive program planned, well into the new year. Join us at the Nationals Display Day in Tanunda on 22 October, the mid-week Run in November or the Christmas dinner, or all of them! You will not be disappointed! And remember this is the Diamond (60th) anniversary of the Spitfire. I am hoping we will have a Spitfire on display at our next meeting. See you there!
Kind Regards, Peter Davidge, President