President’s Thoughts – December 2011
The all Triumph rally for the TONY ESAU MEMORIAL TROPHY was held on the 20th of November with 50 plus people attending for a drive through the Adelaide hills on a pleasant sunny day, driving carefully and attentively answering 40+ questions. The lucky winner for the second time in 3 years was Ian and Raelene RIGBY, with a near perfect score, congratulations to them both and as per normal they will have the pleasure of running next years rally.
Many thanks to Peter and Dean Berlemon for cooking the club sponsored BBQ.
As normal the January general meeting will be held at the Sporting Car Club rooms on Tuesday the 17th and will be the usual informal nature with the ladies going down King William Road for coffee and Gelato.
The normal room may be having some maintenance work done, and if this work is incomplete we have made arrangements to use one of the other rooms in the main building, so when you arrive you may need to keep a look out for an alternative entrance.
During the last meeting we made a presentation of a model Spitfire to Dwayne kaak as a thank you for the work he did as M.C. during the national rally. We have managed to get a list of models currently held by the outlet at Little Hampton where the model was purchased and this list and contact details will be found later in the magazine just in case you would like to purchase one as a gift for Christmas.
In mid November we received a request from the DTEI and the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs to urgently review the wording in the conditional registration scheme Code of practice, a small team has reviewed and we are currently working on the our recommendations as requested.
At this point the committee felt that we need to review and understand the new code wording before we can advise members of any revisions or changes that may be made. It is our current understanding that the aim is to clarify and ambiguities and poor wording in the existing document, in an effort to simplify the code and make it more user friendly, hopefully they can achieve this goal. We will keep the membership informed as we understand more.
With the festive season nearly upon us I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody the compliments of the season, and remind all to celebrate wisely and above all drive safely over the coming holiday period.
I look forward to catching up with as many members as possible over the holiday season at the various club organised events and invite members who would not normally come to our club runs to take this opportunity to come along make yourself known and meet and mix with your fellow Triumph club members.
Till we meet again
John Sampson