President’s Thoughts for June 2010
Our Day of Triumph was exactly that! A Triumph! Everyone in the know knew that the forecast “possible early shower” meant glorious sunshine! The display of Triumphs spanning around the Civic Park arena and the sight of TSOA members enjoying the day was fantastic. Well done to all involved.
TSOA now needs to build on this success towards “bigger and better” next year.
Looking forward, there are a couple of things that deserve attention. Our Annual General Meeting is approaching fast, and as you all know, this is your opportunity to get involved in the operations of your club. At the August AGM, all Executive Committee positions are declared vacant, and nominations are sought to fill these positions for the next year. Usually, 99.9% of the membership find excuses not to stand for office, and usually, those hard working committee people who have served your club (and you) for many years, continue on until their enthusiasm is exhausted.
New blood means new ideas, new directions, and a freshness that can reinvigorate and enthuse. It also spreads the burden as a larger number of club members get involved over a period of time. Standing for office doesn’t mean a life sentence. In fact, it would be nice to think that anyone standing for a particular position of office would only be required to do so for no longer than two years. Many clubs have this written in their constitutions and this then forces the issue. Ours does not, but I believe that it could be a goal worth adopting as an “unwritten” rule.
So, look within yourself and ask if perhaps it is time for you to give something back to your club. If you do, talk with a current committee person towards understanding what is involved – if not for this year, then perhaps in preparation for standing for office next year after learning the ropes as an understudy / assistant. This makes transition a little easier when the time comes and will give you a better understanding of how things work and maybe where you can make a difference.
The other thing to keep an eye out for is the 2011 National Rally being hosted by us. Your National Rally Committee has been working hard towards developing a rally program that offers fun times and enjoyment with your Triumph together with like minded enthusiasts from Interstate, all at a very reasonable cost for a week long event. Full details will be announced in the coming months in readiness for the official announcement and promotion at this year’s Nationals being held in NSW. The dates that have been decided upon are 15th to 21st October, 2011 so you have plenty of time to get your calendar organised.
Cherri and I are off overseas for 6 weeks from late June, but I will be back for the AGM meeting. During our absence, Vice President John Sampson will assume the helm . . . thank you John.
On a sad note, Member Bryan Young’s wife Vivienne has lost her battle with cancer, passing away on 20th May. Our thoughts are with Bryan and family as they deal with their sad loss.