Social Report – November 2020
Socially Speaking for November
Sunday’s Tanunda Chocolate Factory event went well with 25 people in attendance. It was lovely to have new members, Richard Sellars, Bill and Karla Werner and Allan and Lorraine Werner join in the day. Thanks to Ian Rigby for organising the event. Loads of Chocolates were purchased, and the hot chocolate was fabulous. Members then went onto various places in the Barossa to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
Next month is the Observation Run, so bring along your clip board, pens, chairs, and drinks and enjoy a club sponsored BBQ at the end.
Upcoming Social Events:
Sunday 22nd November –Observation Run
Sat 5th December – End of year – Social dinner
Wed 30th December –After Christmas run
Sat 23rd January 2021 – Ice Cream Run
Stay safe and see you at upcoming events.
Bill and Margie.