Social Snapshot – December 2016
Thank you to Steven Wade for organising the “Nice Nosh in November Run”. I had forgotten to mention this run last meeting – that must have been due to Roger encouraging me up on the stage to use the microphone.
I was disappointed to hear that only 7 or 8 people attended this run, and as Steven had asked both venues to open up especially for him, Steven would have been very disappointed with the numbers. We all know that a lot of work goes into organising a run and to have little response is not good. Let’s hope Steven will be willing to organise a run in the future.
Thanks to Alex & Sue Smithson for setting the All Triumph Observation Run on 20th November. A good drive through the hills to the destination of Lobethal where all partook of a club sponsored BBQ lunch. There was a coffee stop at Mylor where the first set of questions were, then on to Lobethal for the second set. It was certainly hot walking up and down the street looking for answers.
The winners this year were Bill & Chris Galler in their Blue Spitfire. This was their first Observation Run and they are very competitive. Bill & Chris now have the honour of setting next years run. Second place was Tony & Phyllis Rutter and third place Rory & Sue Gibson. Altogether there were 8 TRiumphs and you had to be driving a TRiumph to be a place getter. Thanks to all those who attended in the heat and to those members who joined us for lunch. We hope you all had a good day and survived getting home in the heat.
The Christmas Dinner on 10th December is again at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club at Seaton and we hope everyone has an enjoyable evening. Congratulations to those people who are Trophy winners.
The after Christmas Run on Wednesday 28th December is meeting at the Victoria Hotel Top of Taps and ending up at the Rezz Hotel at Newton. Hope to see you there.
Don’t forget there is NO meeting in DECEMBER – the next one being the informal meeting on Tuesday 17th January. If you have any “big boy’s toys” please bring them along and show them off. There will also be an auction/sale of library books.
The ladies as usual will head off somewhere for a gelato/coffee etc.
The Ice Cream Run on Saturday 28th January will end up at the usual spot – Noonies – at Semaphore for fish & chips, ice cream, coffee or whatever takes your fancy on the night. Hopefully the weather will be nice and warm and we will get to see a decent sunset. We will meet at 7.00pm at K-Mart on Anzac Highway, Kurralta Park (rear carpark).
All British Day is on Sunday 12th February at Echunga Oval with gates opening from 10.00am. All entries should have been in by 15th November so if you have not entered perhaps just go along for a look on the day.
We take this opportunity of wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year and hope to see you out and about in your TRiumph in 2017.
Peggy & Sue