Socially Speaking September 2020
Firstly, a huge thanks to Sue Gibson and Peggy Argent for their time as Social Secretary’s. They did a great job, and we have big shoes to fill!
Sadly, the Weekender planned for September has been cancelled due to the Covid 19 restrictions, but we will plan the 2021 Weekender to Pt Pirie and enjoy the adventures we had planned for this year.
Bill and Margie, Joint Social Secretaries
We are hoping to have a casual end of year lunch. Details to be advised.
Sunday 20th September Strathalbyn Meet at Collectable Classics Rankine Street Strathalbyn at 10.30am Parking in front yard Then onto Gilberts Motor Museum, High Street Strathalbyn to see the new Museum Cost: $6.00 entry Parking in front car park, Triumphs in front please. Lunch available in any of the many eateries in Strathalbyn. Enquiries: Bill/Margie 0438836837 |