Sporting Triumphs April 2013
Welcome to another month of Sporting Triumphs. As I write this report the running of the 1st round of the MSCA sprint series is occurring. Both our Le Présidente – Duane Kaak and Mr. Regularity – Neil Martin has entered their TR7 V8’s for this event.Neil has also entered his Triumph in regularity at the Easter Historic race meeting at Mallala.The next Club race meeting is the 6 hour regularity at Mallala on Sunday the 5th of May. I am still looking for volunteers to be pit crew for this event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact me on 0419 514 517.
Until Next Month
Rick Staehr
Upcoming events –
6th& 7th April Hillclimb Mt. Alma Mile
14th April Modern Regularity
19th -21st April Shannon’s Nationals Mallala
20th April Hillclimb Come & Try
21st April Hillclimb Wintercup Round 1
5th May MSCA 6 Hour Regularity
18th May SA State Circuit Racing Championship Twilight Round 2
19th May Modern Regularity Mallala