Sporting Triumphs – February 2010

Sunday 21 February     MSCA Picnic/Presentation Day at Peter Lehman’s Winery – Tanunda. Great venue for a relaxed lunch in the shade with fellow car enthusiasts. BYO or buy lunch there.

Friday 26 & Saturday 27 February     Ballarat Swap Meet. Boasts to be the biggest in Australia.

Saturday 27 February     Round 1 of the SA State Championships at Mallala. This is a twilight meeting that commences around lunch time and usually concludes around 10pm.

Saturday 28 February     Skills enhancement day run by Alfa Club in conjunction with the MSCA.

Sunday 7 March     Collingrove Hillclimb Round 1.

Monday 8 – Friday 12 March     Lake Gairdner Speed Trials. Cars from all over Australia and overseas travel to salt flats west of Port Augusta to compete. This year is the 20th anniversary. It is a 550km trip from Adelaide.

Friday 19 – Sunday 21 March     2010 Phillip Island Classic. A great weekend of historic and classic motor racing. Amongst others there are over 100 Group Sa, Sb and Sc sports cars entered and 35 Formula 5000’s, many from the recent McLaren Revival in New Zealand.

Sunday 28 March     MSCA Sprint Round 1 at Mallala

A reminder that TSOA volunteers are required for assisting with the MSCA Sprint on 4 July.

Please contact me if you require details of the above or know of other events that may be of interest to club members.

Cheers,     Trevor Lindsay

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