Sporting Triumphs – June 2010

MSCA 6hr Mallala 23 May

A wet and windy day saw 18 teams competing. TSOA was not represented this year – maybe next time if there is enough interest. All teams finished though one was disqualified after being reduced to one car and that car doing too many laps. See the MSCA web site for results.

Victorian State Circuit Racing Championships Sandown 22 – 23 May  – Tom Hutchinson competed in his TR8 at this event in two classes being ‘Sports Cars’ and ‘MG’s & Invited British Sports Cars’. Tom Qualified 6th and 1st respectively. In Sports Cars he had two 6th placings and a 3rd. In the MG class he had three 2nd placings and a 1st. Ian Wilson also raced in Sports Cars with his new TVR, which looks to be an extremely quick car. However, it is not a Triumph – so enough said. See the Natsoft web site for more details.

Rally of SA 25 – 27 June

All British Race Meeting Wakefield Park 26 – 27 June  -Rod Carey (GT6) and Neil Martin are participating this year flying the flag for SA. This meeting incorporates a sprint on the Saturday and All Triumph races on the Sunday.

MSCA Sprint Rd2 Mallala 4 July – TSOA flaggies required. I have had two people contact me so far as possibilities and they are Arrand Ellery and Peter Davidge – thanks guys for showing interest. Hopefully I will hear from more of you.

SA Circuit Racing Championship Rd3 Mallala 21 – 22 August  – There are likely to be Triumphs racing at this event in the MG & Invited British Sports Cars. Roger Lange (GT6) has expressed interest and Tom Hutchinson is rumoured to make a return to Mallala after a difference of opinion some years ago. Unfortunately I will be overseas so will miss this one.
MSCA Sprint Rd3 Mallala 19 September

MSCA Sprint Rd4 Mallala 24 October

SA Circuit Racing Championship Rd4 30 – 31 October


I joined the TSOA almost 35 years ago after acquiring my TR4A from Laurie Cousin who convinced me that there were benefits to belonging to a club of people with similar interests. There was a strong competition focus and many were competing in sprints and open meetings. I tagged along to race meetings with TSOA members here and interstate and friendships were established with these people. My interest in motor sport was intensified through this exposure, though my budget restricted my participation to Sprints until more recently.

It is a source of frustration to me that our club has been for quite some time so buried in what I refer to as the ‘tea and scone’ syndrome. The majority of our calendar caters for this. I am unsure whether this is as a result of the general aging of our membership with little new blood flowing in or not. Perhaps I am a minority. However, if I was to join the TSOA today as a 20 year old, apart from Historic Registration and the magazine, you would see as little of me today as you see now.

Motor sport is not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’. However, the future of our club and our ageing membership should be of concern to all. Perhaps a more diverse range of activities would attract younger members. I don’t profess to have the solutions, but if you have any ideas, please let me or other members of the committee know.

Trevor Lindsay

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