upcoming events
The run on Sunday 18th May to Links Lady Bay Normanville saw 22 people enjoy a run through the hills to Meadows where we stopped for morning coffee before heading off again through Ashbourne, Mt Compass, Carrackalinga, Normanville and ending up at the hotel at Lady Bay overlooking the golf course and out to sea. The weather was fine and sunny and the countryside looks great now we have had some very welcome rain.
A minor hiccup with the menu was overcome and I am sure everyone would agree it was an excellent value for money 3 course lunch. Thanks to Geoff & Barb Cugley for their organisation.
Wednesday 4th June – mid week run – meet 9.45am Rooftop carpark Newton Shopping Centre
Tuesday 10th June – ladies lunch Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00noon
Tuesday 17th June – general meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Sat/Sun 21/22 June – Weekender to Riverland – meet Burnside Town Hall 8.30am
Tuesday 15th July – general meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Sunday 20th July – Reservoir Lunch Run – meet Target Newton 9.00am