Vice President’s Report – December 2012

It was with much sadness that I had to share this month the news of John Sampson’s passing, quite suddenly. John was a terrific Club President, and TSOA enthusiast who did so much for the Club, the Marque and the Historic Motoring Community. Much of which went largely unnoticed by many, but John was never a man to blow his TRumpet about his achievements.

Many thanks on behalf of his wife Barbara and their families for the numerous emails, cards, flowers etc received of support and thoughts during the past weeks. John is greatly missed by the club, and I am positive that at the time of writing, his funeral with a display of John’s award winning TR6 and other member’s Triumphs, will have been a fitting farewell to this remarkable man.

The Annual Day of Triumph held in the past month was a great success, over 50 cars on were on display, many entered the judging, and a huge thanks goes to all the volunteers on the day who made the event run so smoothly, and of course, to all the winners. The competition was tight, scores were close.

Due to a recent change of employment, I had to cancel my National Meeting registration. I was pleased to hear so many positive reports come back from our members that attended, especially of the trophies and awards given to the members who displayed their cars and participated. Well done!

MSCA Competition is now over for the year, it was a great year personally for me, achieving a Personal Best almost every round, however I would love to see more Triumphs out there on the TRack. I am open to suggestions as to how we can do this, but am pleased to hear that the 6 Hour Regularity next year should be abundant with Triumphs.

Our next Association meeting is the January Informal meeting. Due to John’s passing, February’s next formal general meeting will now include an election of a new President. This is a great opportunity for someone new to consider joining the committee. It is likely there will be a shuffle of positions, so please come to February meeting with your nomination ready and use the festive period to chat to anyone on the committee if you are considering or would like more information.

The Club has some wonderful events coming up over the next couple of months and into the festive season. I look forward to seeing many of you out in your Triumph over this fun time of year, catching up over coffee’s and ice cream, and at the Christmas Dinner.

Seasons Greetings

Duane Kaak

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