Vice President’s Report – January 2013
I trust everyone has had a terrific Christmas and New Year break. The weather has been wonderful, and the general public seem to be in great spirits throughout this time of year.
The club has held several events throughout this period, the annual Christmas dinner, the “after Christmas” mid week run and the annual Ice Cream run which all were a great time to get out and about in your triumph with other club members.
We had a good crowd to the January informal meeting, and I’m sure we will again have a full group at our first formal meeting this month. Remember we will have an election this month for a new president, and any other vacant positions, so please take another moment to consider a chance to join the committee and to contribute to our club.
The year ahead looks like another full calendar of social and competition events, and I’m keen to see what amazing vehicles we can get on the stage for display. Even though we have all thoroughly enjoyed some other Marques recently, if you have a Triumph we haven’t seen on stage, done some major work to your Triumph, or have a new purchase, we’d love to see it, so please contact John from the details inside the cover. I know several members have plans for rewiring and minor rebuilds, so we’d love to see and hear your story.
The committee also has plans to review the constitution this year also, to keep up with the times, and will have a small sub committee work on this over the coming months. If you have any strong thoughts in this area, I encourage you to express this, in writing only, for consideration.
I’m starting to hear a bit of chatter about the Queensland National Rally already, and it is exciting to hear that many are already getting cars ready for the journey and booking holidays, I’m sure it will be a wonderful event.
The All British Day is also here again, and I’d like to ask all members to make themselves ambassadors for the club on this day that we are on display. This day, and the Day of Triumph seem to both be days that we attract new members, and I’m hoping to have a simple handout available to be distributed on the day. Hope to see you soon, Duane