Thanks to all those members who have paid their subscriptions by 30th June, and had their logbooks stamped. For
anyone yet to do both things, can you please be proactive and make sure you are financial as soon as possible. The
jobs of club Treasurer (Lisa Macleod) and Conditional Registrar (Ian Rigby) are arduous enough as it is, and chasing
unfinancial members make the tasks that much harder. Please also remember that you need to be financial and have
your logbook stamped for 2024/25 for your car to be registered. You should not drive your car until this has been
Lawrie and Kaye Placing organised a great mid-week run to the Green Man Inn, Ashbourne on 10th July, and we had
a large turnout for the “Christmas in July” run through the southern Adelaide Hills to the Old Noarlunga Hotel for lunch
on Sunday 21st July.
We had our traditional thankyou night for committee members and other club helpers prior to the July meeting, with
pizzas provided by the club. There is a small but very hard-working group who keep the club and its events ticking
over, and I am most appreciative of all those who help to make this happen.
Special thanks to Katherine Bradley who stepped in at the last moment to take the minutes for the July meeting. Our
hard-working secretary, Duane Kaak was away in Bali, and his deputy and Vice President, Richard Sellars came
down with RSV and was also unable to attend. Richard had called me earlier in the day, and certainly sounded like he
was suffering. Hopefully he makes a quick recovery. Kat’s joke telling at the meeting maintained the rich tradition of
excellence in humour that we have come to expect from our incumbent secretary.
It was great to see Terry and Sue Dowden’s TR6 on stage at the July meeting. It has been a home coming for this
car, as it was owned previously by Jon Williams (and also briefly by Roger Lange) and had only recently migrated with
Jon to Queensland. Terry and Sue love the car and it presents very well. (Web Editor’s Note – this TR6 was initially built at Powertune Motors for Chris Barnes and a lot of credit should go to Steve Moule for the initial build and the various repairs and rebuilds that followed – a real credit to Steve)
We are now only a month away from the Annual General Meeting after August general meeting. All positions in the
club will be declared vacant. It is not too late to call me (ph 0412 823789) or email me ( if you wish to stand for any position in the club or are prepared to help.
Alex Smithson