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ABD 1999

Saturday, July 27th, 2024


Above is a photograph of the 1957 Triumph TR3 roadster once owned by Tony Case and the gate pass to the 1999 All British Day at Uraidla in February of that year. The car was fitted with Minilite wheels and Bridgestone 205/60×15” performance tyres, aero screens, anti-sway bars at the front and rear, bonnet louvres and twin Lucas flame thrower spot
lights and seven speed overdrive gearbox.


Socially Speaking – July 2024

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Hi Everyone

We all enjoyed our “Christmas in July” run on the 21st. It was nice to see some of you dressing for the occasion. The
sun shone and it had stopped raining after we had a drenching on the Friday before and the meal was good. Sue had
organised the table decorations and each person got a little box that Sue had made from Christmas Cards with a
sweet and joke inside representing a bon-bon. Thankyou Alex and Sue.

Our August run is on Sunday 18th. Sue and Rory have planned a run to Kersbrook Hill Wines and Cider for morning
tea. This is a run to the north with coffee/tea and muffins for $6. It will be nice to see you there.

The next midweek run will be at the Uraidla Hotel. The maximum seating is 20 people. So, get in quick with a phone
call to Lawrie, to secure your place.

I have included the rest of the events for the year, so you can mark them off in your diaries. The November midweek
run will be advised soon, and Margie and Bill will set the after Christmas Après run.
See you there on the runs.

Natalie Farrell
Social Secretary
0455 250 990

President’s Report July 2024

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Thanks to all those members who have paid their subscriptions by 30th June, and had their logbooks stamped. For
anyone yet to do both things, can you please be proactive and make sure you are financial as soon as possible. The
jobs of club Treasurer (Lisa Macleod) and Conditional Registrar (Ian Rigby) are arduous enough as it is, and chasing
unfinancial members make the tasks that much harder. Please also remember that you need to be financial and have
your logbook stamped for 2024/25 for your car to be registered. You should not drive your car until this has been

Lawrie and Kaye Placing organised a great mid-week run to the Green Man Inn, Ashbourne on 10th July, and we had
a large turnout for the “Christmas in July” run through the southern Adelaide Hills to the Old Noarlunga Hotel for lunch
on Sunday 21st July.

We had our traditional thankyou night for committee members and other club helpers prior to the July meeting, with
pizzas provided by the club. There is a small but very hard-working group who keep the club and its events ticking
over, and I am most appreciative of all those who help to make this happen.

Special thanks to Katherine Bradley who stepped in at the last moment to take the minutes for the July meeting. Our
hard-working secretary, Duane Kaak was away in Bali, and his deputy and Vice President, Richard Sellars came
down with RSV and was also unable to attend. Richard had called me earlier in the day, and certainly sounded like he
was suffering. Hopefully he makes a quick recovery. Kat’s joke telling at the meeting maintained the rich tradition of
excellence in humour that we have come to expect from our incumbent secretary.

It was great to see Terry and Sue Dowden’s TR6 on stage at the July meeting. It has been a home coming for this
car, as it was owned previously by Jon Williams (and also briefly by Roger Lange) and had only recently migrated with
Jon to Queensland. Terry and Sue love the car and it presents very well. (Web Editor’s Note – this TR6 was initially built at Powertune Motors for Chris Barnes  and a lot of credit should go to Steve Moule for the initial build and the various repairs and rebuilds that followed –  a real credit to Steve)

We are now only a month away from the Annual General Meeting after August general meeting. All positions in the
club will be declared vacant. It is not too late to call me (ph 0412 823789) or email me ( if you wish to stand for any position in the club or are prepared to help.

Alex Smithson


Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Our club was originated right here in South Australia and we should all be reminded that we are officially registered as
the TSOASA, and we should also remind everyone that we are not just the TSOA.

Submitted by Crank Case


Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Small section of the vast crowd eagerly awaiting for the start of the 1995 Inland Run to Victor.
L -R, Tony Esau, Cherri Lange, Faye Esau, John Tuohy, Tony Case, John Fechner

I ran the ‘Inland Run to Victor’ observation run from 1980 until 1999 and provided a trophy for the winners. It really
suited the times and was to become the highlight road event of the year.
After a drivers’ briefing on departure, all were given a route sheet and a questionnaire to complete along the way, so
boredom was not an issue. For those who made it to Victor Harbor, free beer and a barbecue awaited.
I seem to recall the weather was always fine, and never did we experience rain to spoil the day out.
Questionnaires were handed in on arrival for me to adjudicate the winner, which always seemed to take such a long
Of course, it also took a very long time to set the course and provide the sometimes cryptic questions, so I inevitably
ended up going to Victor forty times over the of life of the event.
I loved doing it, it was so worthwhile. Perhaps I might bring it back if I am encouraged to do so.

And the winners are………..
1980 – Ray Taylor – TR4
1981 – Helmut Liepe – TR5
1982 – Chris Meulengraaf – Spitfire
1983 – Bob Burke –
1984 – Louis Whittle/Sean Field – GT6
1985 – Geoff Bills –
1986 – Bob Burke –
1987 – Steve McReady –
1988 – Bill McGuiness –
1989 – Geoff Bills –
1990 – Paul Swain –
1991 – Roger Lange/Peter Ruta –
1992 – Roger Lange –
1993 – Roger Lange –
1994 – Trevor Lindsay –
1995 – Roger & Cherri Lange – TR6
1996 – Jac Dittmar –
1997 – Peter Ruta/Des Wilkinson –
1998 – Peter Ruta/M.Whiston

1995 Inland Run to Victor Winners – Roger and Cherri Lange, presented by Tony Case


Social Report – June 2024

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Hi Everyone

We had a lovely sunny day for our run to the Beach Rd Wines on the 16th June. Our run took us on the Mount Lofty
summit Rd with beautiful views, through Stirling down to Echunga to Meadows, over to Kangarilla to Chapel Hill Rd and
on to the Beach Road winery for pizza etc. and a taste of wine. Everyone enjoyed themselves and had a wonderful
outing in their cars.

Next month we are travelling south to a “Christmas in July” lunch at the Old Noarlunga Hotel set by Alex and Sue on
Sunday the 21st July, meeting at the Feathers Hotel carpark at 9.30 am. Another great day. If you wish to wear
something to get into the spirit of Christmas in July, please do so.

Our August run is on Sunday 18th. Sue and Rory have planned a run to Kersbrook Hill Wines and Cider for morning
tea. This is a run to the north with coffee/tea and muffins for $6. It will be nice to see you there.

I have included the rest of the events for the year, so you can mark them off in your diaries, the only ones left to be set
are the mid-week runs for September and November which Lawrie and Kaye are working on.

The mid-week run to Ashbourne on 10th July will enable you and your cars to charge your batteries and get out in the
fresh country air, Thanks to Kaye and Lawrie.

See you there on the runs.

Natalie Farrell
Social Secretary

“Apres” Run 28th December

Sunday, December 31st, 2023

The after Christmas run on Thursday 28th December was a delightful affair, with in excess of 30 members enjoying a wonderful jaunt through the Adelaide hills that are remarkably green for this time of year. Our group showcased around 20 Triumphs with Stags and TR4s and 6s the most prevalent.

We gathered at the rear car park of the Feathers Hotel and took off around 11.00 am through the upper reaches of Burnside, past the Glen Osmond Golf Club, on and off the freeway quickly to take in the old Princes Highway and past The Eagle on the Hill, on and off the freeway once again and then taking a left turn before entering Stirling and on to Mylor, Echunga and finally Macclesfield.

Lunch had been arranged at The Macclesfield Hotel which has undergone substantial renovation and extensions over recent times. Several benches had been reserved for us under the outside shaded area, the meals were reasonably priced and substantial, and everyone enjoyed the friendly chatter over a cold beverage or two. All rated the Hotel highly for ambience and service.

The weather treated us kindly, with perfect conditions for roof down Triumph cruising. All in all, a great run – if you missed it, too bad. Maybe next time?




MSCA 50th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

It has been 50 years since the establishment of the MSCA for the purpose of providing an entry level motorsport  activity opportunity for members of affiliated clubs, mostly established marques such as MG, Triumph, Healey, Alfa, Jaguar, Mini, Datsun etc. There are currently 18 clubs affiliated with the MSCA here in South Australia.

To celebrate this milestone, a gathering of all the clubs involved is planned to coincide with the annual Picnic and Presentation Day on the last Sunday in February 2024. A special shout out to past competitors to attend and reminisce how things were back in the day and to share some stories about their experiences.

TSOA has been a big part of the MSCA motorsport scene for many years – it was not unusual to have up to 15 or more Triumphs competing on the track at a Mallala sprint event. Interest has waned over recent years as the drivers and cars aged, but the memories of past adventures prevail.

It would be great to have a big turn out of Triumphs and club members to support this event. Talk to Neil Martin, Duane Kaak or Roger Lange if you would like more information or encouragement.

The venue is the shady western end of the Mount Barker Oval complex. Assembly of cars in club display groups to be in place by 11.00 am

BYO everything for a picnic lunch

Quick Calendar

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

Feb 18th         (Tuesday Evening) General Meeting at the Sporting Car Club 8.00 pm

Feb 23rd        (Sunday) MSCA Picnic / Presentation Day – Virgara Winery, 143 Heaslip Road, Angle Vale . . . from 11.00 am

Mar 2nd        (Sunday) – All British Day

Mar 16th      (Sunday)  MSCA Super Sprint 

April 6th      (Sunday)  TBA Monthly Run instead of the 20th because that is Easter Sunday

Day of Triumph 2023 – Report and Results

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

Our Day of Triumph was held at Civic Park on Sunday 15th October 2023. While the weather wasn’t especially kind we
had 20 entrants and an extra 13 cars on display.
Winners on the day were:
Overall: Trevor Hawkins (TR4A)
Second Overall: Roger Lange (TR7V8)
Third Overall: Lisa Vettese (Stag)
Michelotty Trophy (TR4,4A & 5): Trevor Hawkins
Register Trophy (TR2,3,3A,3B): Colin Baldock
Harris Mann Trophy (Tr7/8): Roger Lange
TR2/3/3A/3B: Colin Baldock (TR2)
TR4/4A/5/250: Trevor Hawkins (TR4A)
TR7/8: Roger Lange
Stag: Lisa Vettese
Dolomite: Ian Burman
Saloon: Ian Rigby
Pride of Ownership
TR4/4A/5/250: David Stephens (TR5)
TR6: David Marlow
TR7/8: Dean Bogisch
Spitfire/GT6: Nathan Parkes (Spitfire)
Stag: Chris Marshall
Saloon: Rod Hanna
Big thanks to everyone who helped on the day, especially our judges and those of you who brought your cars.
Special Thanks to Ian Rigby for all of his help and support, Marg and Dean Bogisch for their great clerical skills and
my wife Lisa, who without her secretarial skills, none of this would have happened. Also, thanks again to Dino and
Lisa Vittese who provided a subsidised breakfast or lunch for members at Café Primo – all the reports indicated
breakfast was delicious.
Dean Berlemon
2023 DOT Organiser