General Meeting Minutes 19 February 2019


 Meeting Opened at 8:04pm     


  • Apologies: Geoff Ellis, Richard Sutherland, Kate Tuohy & Shane Dix, Andy Hill, P & J Davidge
  • Guests/Visitors/New Members: New Member – Jim Scott 1971 TR6
  • Previous Minutes: Accepted without alteration Proposed by David Stephens, seconded by Neil Martin.

 Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

  • The informal meeting in January at Richmonds’ Car Sales was well attended despite being hot weather. Great cars on display.
  • Ice Cream run had a terrific turnout and was an excellent event.
  • All British Day was a tight squeeze to fit every vehicle in. 58 vehicles entered to display with us and a few other Triumphs were also on display in other club areas. Thanks expressed to Bill for bringing the extra marquees and also to Geoff Ellis for representing us at the Committee level.
  • The Executive Committee met earlier tonight and discussed social events. A tick sheet is on tables at tonights meeting to gain feedback about types of events that members would be interested in attending. The idea of having a Presentation night in lieu of a Christmas Dinner was also discussed and feedback is welcomed.

Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

  • We received some applications for membership; usual other club magazines; FHMC minutes which have been passed on to Historic Registration officers for review.
  • Stag Owners Club has invited all TSOA members to participate or spectate at their Annual “Herding of the Stags” on March 31st.
  • A gentleman has contacted us to offer a free 2500TC Saloon that has been garaged for 19 years. Dean Berlemon inspected and reported the items needing attention. See Duane for details.
  • The Sprite Owners Club held a ‘Sports car run’ on Saturday evening from Port Adelaide to Windy Point. 6 Triumphs attended.
  • Thanks to Ivan Powell for displaying his Lotus Esprit tonight, a boyhead dream car of Duanes.

 Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

  • Funds in bank down by $3,713 from last report 3 months ago. Main Expense was Christmas Dinner, Meeting Room hire fees and a refund of Weekender payment.
  • Budget for next financial year will be presented to a future committee meeting once drafted. Without printed Trak costs there is likely to be a saving which could result in subscriptions being reduced.

Social Report – Peggy Argent

  • The Mid Week run organised by Tony Harvie had 15 people attend.
  • 17th March is a visit to the Green Man, attendees encouraged to wear green that day.
  • 10th April is a mid week run after coffee, leaving 11am from the Pavilion on corner Greenhill and Glynburn roads.
  • 14th April is a run in the McLaren vale area, meeting at the McLaren Vale visitor centre at 10am.
  • Some members may have entered the Victor Harbor Classic Day on 5th May.
  • 25th & 26th May is set as the annual club weekender event. Bill Berlemon advised accommodation is booked at Strathalbyn Motel and the itinerary will include Hills Motor Restorers Club, Collectable Classics and Horseradish, Olive and Strawberry farms.

Competition Report – Neil Martin

  • The 2019 local events begin this Sunday with Duane Kaak and Neil entered into Modern Regularity at Mallala. The MSCA annual picnic & presentation day is also on this Sunday.
  • Trevor Lindsay competed in the Victoria Park sprints at Adelaide Motorsport Festival and came a close 2nd behind Tim Piper in his Datsun 240z.
  • Rod Carey and Trevor Lindsay displayed their racing Triumphs at the All British Day as part of the feature display.
  • Neil is participating in a Phillip Island event on March 8, 9 and 10th.
  • MSCA Supersprints start on March 17th. Duane and Neil likely to enter.
  • Trevor Lindsay has plans to remove the engine from his GT6 to fit into a TR6. Duane has recently fitted bigger tyres and fixed a vibration and Neil has recently fitted a new engine management system.
  • Helpers are needed for the Annual MSCA 6 Hour Relay on 5th May at Mallala.
  • Flag Marshal volunteers are also needed for the MSCA Supersprint at The Bend on June 16th.

Library ReportGreg Page

  • Nothing new added, but plenty to borrow.
  • Ian Rigby has a huge history of the Trak magazines and club records and is open to ideas on where and how to best store them for all to be able to access.

Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

  • Lots of stock available for purchase.
  • A jacket produced by WA National committee previously was displayed as an example that could be ordered if there was sufficient interest.
  • There is one only long sleeve navy coloured TRIUMPH polo in size XXL for sale.
  • Keyrings are offered tonight at a discounted price of $5. Normally $8.

Newsletter Report – Position Vacant

  • Email has been used to send out minutes and important communication and will continue.
  • Any stories or articles of interest can be sent to Roger Lange to add to the Club website.

Website Report – Roger Lange

  • Some content of interest has been sourced from external sources to add to the website
  • The classifieds continue to work effectively.
  • Photos and any stories about Triumphs are welcomed to be added by registered members or via Roger.

Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

  • Quiet recently in this area.
  • The most abundant car on our club records is the TR6. There are 45 of them recorded.

General Business

  • Duane read an email from Geoff Ellis of an All British Day interim report. More to come once the All British Day committee has had a formal debrief meeting. 875 cars were entered and it was estimated that the number displayed was close. The aerobatic display by Chris Sperou was a highlight also.
  • WA Nationals – John Tuohy is seeking a ride as a passenger to the event, likely his last interstate National event.
  • The feedback requested on the tick sheet as distributed tonight for feedback, is also to be similarly sought from members not in attendance via email.

Cars or Parts For Sale or Wanted.

  • Some members cars for sale were discussed, a red TR7 in Riverton for $7,000 and a TR6 partially restored, partially reassembled $24,000.
  • A GT6 in reasonable or better condition is sought by ‘David Allington’ See Ian Rigby for details.
  • Lyle Taylor’s TR7 with Sprint engine is also for sale at $11,000


  • Won by Fay Esau.

Cars on Stage

  • Ivan Powell displayed a 1996 Lotus Esprit. Fitted with 3.0 litre V8 twin turbo engine. Approx 1200 were built, 600 remaining.
  • The LOTUS acronym was explained as Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious.
  • The Esprit was described as being the most comfortable car Ivan has ever had, despite a long list of cars driven.


  • Thanks to Sue Gibson & Margie Berlemon.
  • Volunteers needed for the Supper Roster for the coming year, all members encouraged to help.

 Meeting Closed: 9:25pm.                       

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