President’s Report – TSOA 2023/24 Club Year – presented at AGM, August 2024
August 22nd, 2024. Submitted by Alex Smithson.I would like to thank all club members who have assisted to make this club year, my first as president, very successful. We have had a hard-working committee, supported by various appointees, who have put in a huge effort to keep things on track and allowed the club to prosper and grow.
Although Vice President Richard Sellars was not called upon too often, he was always willing to step up, including taking meeting minutes in Secretary Duane’s absence. Richard is very experienced with other clubs and organisations he has been involved in, and I am sure this experience will help the club to improve its operations in the future. Secretary Duane Kaak continues to be a tower of strength within the club and provides us with great service.
Our treasurer, Lisa Macleod has now completed her second year in this position and maintains the books very efficiently. Having had this role for the previous 10 years, I know what a time consuming and at times complicated job this is, and the club owes Lisa a debt of gratitude for her hard work. Whilst we have a deficit this year, this was in line with budget, and has been a deliberate decision to hold subscriptions down and us some of previous surpluses for club operations.
Katherine Bradley took over the Fastrak Editor position two years ago and continues to produce an excellent publication each month. Again, we are very grateful for all she does in this production.
Neil Martin has been Competition Secretary for many years and has also been the mainstay of TSOA motor sport at local and interstate race meetings. Neil has decided to relinquish this role as he is planning to reduce his involvement in motor sport in the future, and we tank Neil for everything he has done for us over the years as Competition Secretary.
We started the year without a Social Secretary, however Life Member, Natalie Farrell volunteered to take on this role. We have had a terrific range of monthly events that Natalie and others have organised throughout the year, and they have all been very well attended, with quite a few of our newer members attending events. Natalie has been assisted behind the scenes, by Lawrie and Kaye Placing in particular, who have also arranged mid-week lunch runs which have a small but keen following.
Ian Rigby has, as he does every year, carried a heavy club load, and worked tirelessly as Conditional Registration Scheme Registrar and Membership Officer. Ian has a band of helpers as Assistant Registrars on his committee and I thank these members for assisting Ian in this major role. Ian is also our representative on the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs and has been instrumental in gaining grants from the Federation for our Day of Triumph.
Bill and Margie Berlemon have also assisted in club runs, particularly where we have provided a club-sponsored barbeque, and run the Weekender again this year, this time based at Goolwa. This three-day, two-night event was highly successful and enjoyable, and is always a highlight of any club year.
Dean Berlemon was the convenor of the day of Triumph Display Day, as well as taking on Regalia sales this year. Dean assisted by wife Lisa, did a great job and team Berlemon/Macleod remains integral to club operations and success.
We had a great turnout at the All British Day in March, and had two club members on the organising committee, Geoff Ellis and Stephen Wade. Thanks to both Geoff and Stephen for their involvement. Geoff has been on the ABD Committee for some years and has now decided to retire from that committee. Thanks Geoff, for all your hard work on behalf of TSOA.
Our Christmas Dinner continues to be our largest, and best attended function of the year. Life member Sue Gibson is the main organiser of this event, as she has been for many years. Thanks, Sue once again for making this such a successful and enjoyable event.
Whilst we are obviously an aging group, and our raison d’être is the love of a make of car which ceased production over 40 years ago, it is great to see that we continue to attract new members, many of whom have purchased their first Triumph recently. The club’s challenge is to continue to attract new members and to get new members involved with our club, not just be a member to be eligible for historic registration. I hope that any new member attending a meeting or other club function is made welcome and ask all “old hands” to go out of their way to welcome and support new faces at our meetings.
One of my goals as President has been to streamline club meetings, and reduce the amount of non-essential business, but to add “cars on stage” as a key part of each meeting. I have rung new members to invite them to bring their cars and tell us about them, and I hope this has been well received. I hope to continue this at most club meetings in the future.
Bill and Margie do much of the work of providing suppers at meetings, as well as raffle prizes and Margie and Lisa collecting on the door. Thanks to other club members who have assisted for suppers.
We were successful in obtaining a SA Car Club Program grant from the South Australian Government last year and this grant has been fully spent on club equipment and first aid courses. We also received a grant from the federation for this year’s Day of Triumph. Storing and transporting our club equipment remains a significant task, and Ian Rigby and the Berlemons do most of this work. It would be great to see another club member take on this role and Ian, Bill and Margie are already heavily committed to working for the club in many critical areas.
We are coming up to our 60th birthday in March 2025, and we are very fortunate to have our joint founder, Tony Case in our club, and who remains an active (and vocal) part of Club activities. Tony is putting a history of the club together and I know, is very keen to have the 60th birthday celebrated in grand style. I am sure that the new committee will put as an early agenda item, just how we can make this celebration very special.
Our club has two awards for service made each year. The President’s Award is made to the Committee member who has made an outstanding contribution to the running of the club, and the Vice President’s Award is to a club member, other than a committee member.
At the last AGM, Bill and Margie Berlemon relinquished the role of Social Secretary after several years of fantastic service, however no other club member was prepared to stand for the position. Life Member Natalie Farrell called me after that meeting to volunteer for this role. Natalie has had an incredibly tough year, with family tragedies and a couple of unfortunate injuries, however she has been able to put a great social calendar together, which, as I have said previously, have had strong attendance and have all been very enjoyable. I am therefore very pleased to announce that Natalie is the winner of the 2023/24 President’s Award.
Alex Smithson