President’s Report April 2014
This month is the first time the Committee is sending an electronic newsletter via email. Maybe you prefer to get it in paper, that is still possible and over the coming months naturally there will be lots of changes as we set this up, alter it, add things, take things out, update email addresses and tune it up, all in the name of keeping you up to date about the important things you want to know, or need to know in a timely manner. If you have access to email, then it will be fast, hence our initial thought of naming it FastTrak.
I like the name, not just because it describes how quick you can get the condensed Trak, but also I think because I like to go Fast on the Track and after fitting and rebuilding my brakes, I will be happy to report my results again soon. This year I am hoping there will be a few other Triumphs, or TSOA members joining me, Geoff Burdon has sorted out some issues in his TR7, Bryan Young continues to amaze all with his sleepy looking Vitesse, and I know Robin George is rebuilding an engine, hopefully in time for the 6 hr Relay. A new member Richard is also keen to get his Datsun out at Mallala. But be it participating in Motorsport, or on a Social Run, I hope to see you all and your Triumph soon.