President’s Report – August 2012

I would like to thank club members who organised the club runs during the period Barb and I were away overseas just recently, I understand that they were well supported again showing the strength and fellowship of our club. My thanks especially go out to Margie and Bill Berlemon for organising the weekender to the Riverland, again I understand that the event was a great success, with many interesting activities planned, and a good time was had by all members who attended.

While I am on the subject of club events, I would like to put in an early reminder that the “2012 DAY OF TRIUMPH” will be held again this year at the Tea Tree Gully Civic Park opposite the TTP.

Again this year we would like to put on a special display at this great venue and promote our marque and club to the public, but more importantly this day is a good opportunity for club members to picnic and socialise in a relaxed atmosphere with fellow like minded Triumph enthusiasts.

There will be several adverts for this event in the magazine over the next couple of months which will be held on Sunday the 28th October, and while there is still plenty of time before the event it may be time to put a note in your diary as a reminder, and start making some preliminary plans in readiness for this important event on our club Calendar. So now may be the time to start brushing the cobwebs of the car and start checking over your vehicle in readiness for all those great summer months ahead.

August again “Heralds” the club AGM which will be held on Tuesday the 21st at the SCCOSA club rooms at 8.00 pm. As is the normal practice all club committee positions are declared vacant and elections will be held. I believe it to be a sound practice to change the mix of the committee from time to time to encourage new ideas and keep the club fresh, if you also believe in this principle and would like to get involved in some small way in assisting in the running our successful club, give me or one of the other current committee members a ring and discuss how you may be able to help.

The Concessional Historic vehicle and prescribed LHD Registration scheme code of practice has been issued and several articles have been presented in the past magazines for your information. Just to update a little further the code requires the clubs to set up and maintain a series of records which are required to be kept for a period of 5 years, these will be subject to audit from time to time by the DPTI. The code also requires each vehicle to be inspected every 3 years and we as a club need to commit to complying with these conditions by the end of December 2012.

The committee and our three authorizing people will be working through and tying to understand the new requirements, and from time to time we will issue statements of our understanding or clarifying the code to the membership as required.

In the mean time our team were very happy with the membership’s acceptance of the new requirements for a Stat Dec. and log book sign off at the July meeting and remind members that club subscriptions and log book sign off are required to be completed by the AGM or your historic vehicle will be unregistered and not covered by insurance.

That’s all for now

John Sampson

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