President’s Report – January 2022
Welcome to 2022, which prior to Omicron, promised to be much better than 2021. Well, that is in doubt at the moment but your Committee is working to provide the best outcomes for members given what South Australia is currently facing.
Broadly, with some concern about indoor events, we have decided to cancel our next club meeting in February, hoping to resume normal meetings in March. To compensate, the forward program now includes some additional outdoor events (refer Socially Speaking & the Social Calendar,) with the first occurring on Sunday 13 February now that All British Day has been cancelled.
With significant uncertainties surrounding the Day of Triumph, Ian Rigby is working towards securing a suitable venue in late March or early April. DOT 2021 was very successful, and I can see no reason why a similar if not better result can be achieved in 2022. Ian is stepping down from DOT responsibility after 2022 and so this is an opportunity for a club member to come forward and learn from the master before he retires from the role.
Since November we have had 2 official Club functions, the Christmas Social and the after-Christmas Run, and unfortunately have had to cancel two. Both functions held were very successful and once again the Golf Club demonstrated what a quality show, they can put on for us for Christmas.
Roger Lange tells me that our website is now back in business after serious disruption from international hackers. Well done to Roger and his team and I’m sure all members and others who visit our website welcome the news.
And with 6 months before our Club elections, may I remind you of what JFK said in his inauguration speech of 1961 (the first year of TR4 production) – “Ask not what your country (Club) can do for you – ask what you can do for your country (Club)”. I am serious about this and will continue to urge members who have an interest in the future wellbeing of the Club to consider a position on the Committee. It’s a great Club and should continue to be so!
I trust that you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and wish you all the very best as we embark on another year of Covid filled uncertainties. Enjoy your February and see you again in March.
Kind regards,
Peter Davidge (President)