President’s Report – July 2020
President’s report July 2020
I both pleased and relieved to say, we are finally finished with registrations and log books for this year.
It was a great effort not only from the assisting registrars, Alex for the collection and processing of Payments, Duane’s help with the process in Alex’s absence but you the Triumph membership for your patience and support during the past few months.
Unfortunately we did have a few members not make payment and therefore are no longer on Historic with the club. My final legal requirement for the year will be the reporting of those members and cars to the DPTI.
Naturally if they chose to re-join we would be more than happy to issue new log books once membership and joining fees are paid.
We held the first cautious club meeting this month and as promised, also had Zoom available for those wanting to see what was presented and I think around 6 people took up that offer. An early start with the executive committee was held so that we could discuss the clubs future months in accordance with the current safety concerns. Big thanks to Duane for setting up and running the Zoom meeting. We presented the usual format but without the normal snacks after. Sanitizers, distancing and log book registrations of those attending was followed. There was a surprising support with a good turnout. We were unsure how this one would go and it was very pleasing to catch up with the membership once again.
In support of our constitution, the announcement of our August AGM and notice given that all positions would become vacant. There are several positions that will not be taken up by the current supporting members so please consider coming and hopefully we fill all positions for the coming year. It’s an important one for the club as we will be presenting the 2021 Nationals later in the year. A sound committee is integral not only to the running of the club but supporting that event and showcasing this great state.
I never know what contact I will get with members having both positions of president and club Registrar. This month Alex and I discussed all of the documentation I’m holding in regards to the history of the club. There is a significant amount in well-presented folders and it was that attention to detail that allowed me to go back in time and find racing and hill climb times that were recorded during the 2001 Nationals. I have not had time to fully absorb all of the details but it was pleasing that we were able to hand over that information as it was important for the person requesting it.
That gave me an idea now that I have an endless supply of stories and history that I might continue to present to the editors for adding to what now is the electronic TRak. The front covers changed a lot over the years and next month I will do a compilation of those to give a bit of nostalgia to the monthly read. It’s sort of like when you find something wrapped in old newspaper that you have squirreled away long ago and upon opening it finding all the old advertisements for soap or radios and TVs and different styles of clothing etc.
First one found was this from 1966 . . . on this day they dropped the $2 joining fee and membership was $4 if you lived outside of 50 miles then you only paid $2
The Committee back then . . .
President was John Fergusson
Vice president Milton Collins
Secretary: Graham Stiff
Treasurer: Don Corey
Competition Secretary: Chris Tucker
Social Secretary: Rob Dansie:
He also had a hard time socially as there was a colourful quote attached to his report. And Quote of the day: Nothing to report as socially not a bloody thing happened.
It then went on to cover what we all experience during Duane’s report with several jokes that I refuse to add he. A story regarding the real cost of buying a sports car / mostly how the car is not the real cost but pleasing and maintaining the wife and the car for different reasons after the purchase.
With over 50 years of history I have an endless supply of trivia and I hope to highlight more of yesteryear over the coming months.
On closing I would like to ask that members think of supporting the AGM and open positions next month. The meeting will be managed and monitored over the coming weeks due to the current outbreaks interstate and hopefully our numbers stay the way they have been. Naturally if there is any major concern and change in government directive we will act accordingly.
Kind regards
Ian Rigby,