President’s Report – September 2012

The club AGM was held at the August 21st meeting and so the new club year begins, I would like to thank all those club and committee members who helped make the last year so successful.

Special thanks go out to retiring committee members Peter Davidge and Sue Gibson who after many years service on the committee have seen fit to sit back for a while and just enjoy the club activities, but knowing both of them, I am sure they will be only too willing to help out in some small way as time goes on.

I would like to welcome both Duane Kaak newly elected Vice President and Alex Smithson who was elected as Treasurer, to the committee for the 2012 – 2013 year.  I know they are both enthusiastically waiting to take on the new challenges that they have chosen. Bill Berlemon was successful with his nomination for Social Secretary and I am aware he is keen to make some fine tuning improvements to the already successful formula.

Our AGM was also a special event celebrating the 50th birthday of the TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. The stage was suitably decorated by Rick and Maree Staehr and there were two highly polished great looking examples of SPITFIRES for the full house to admire.

Also on stage was a surprise visit from an past club member Jon Williams from W.A. with his “very recently prepared” MK1 PI. Saloon. Jon and co-driver Ken Bryant were here to complete in the “Targa Adelaide” starting the next day. Jon’s car had a total of 250Km on the clock when he started in the prologue on Wednesday evening, we wish them well in the event.

Thanks to Kyle Lill and Mark Gibson for bringing their Spitfires for the stage display on the night and joining in the celebrations.

Two dates to mark in your diaries for upcoming events,

1)      The Bay to Birdwood breakfast Sunday the 30th on Dequetteville Tce.  @ 9.00am – BBQ provided but BYO food.

2)      The Day of Triumph Sunday October 28th  – Not only is this a great picnic day for all members to attend and mingle with fellow Triumph owners, but it is a tremendous opportunity to promote our marque at this fantastic venue, so polish your car and come and enjoy the day.    For full details refer further in the magazine.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would remind all members on Conditional Historic Rego. and prescribed LHD vehicles schemes, who yet to pay their membership dues and have their log books stamped for the coming Club year (starting AUG 15TH 2012) are deemed by the Registrar to be driving unregistered vehicles and will not covered by third party insurance. For your own sake please attend to this matter before you take your car out on the road.

Till we meet again      John Sampson

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