Quick Calendar
Dec 30th (Monday) After Xmas “Apres” Run – meet at Civic Park, opp Tea Tree Plaza by 10.30 am for a run through the hills with lunch at the One Tree Hill Hotel – Details – Margie / Bill 0438 836 837
Jan 19th (Sunday Evening) Ice Cream Run – Meet at Super Cheap car park, 69 Port Road Thebarton at 6.00 pm leaving at 6.15 pm with Ice Creams and whatever else you might like at Fasta Pasta, Commercial Road, Port Adelaide
Jan 21st (Tuesday Evening) Unofficial Meeting at the Sporting Car Club from 7.45 pm – come along for a chat and catch up on all the Triumph News
Jan 26th (Sunday) BBQ Lunch at Dino and Lisa Vettese home, 20 Vickers Vimy Parade, Northgate from 12.30 pm. Dino and Lisa are kindly putting on a BBQ Lunch – no need to bring anything but yourselves and a smiley face. RSVP Dino 0412 444 052
Feb 18th (Tuesday Evening) General Meeting at the Sporting Car Club 8.00 pm
Feb 23rd (Sunday) MSCA Picnic / Presentation Day – details t.b.a.