Regarding Classified Adverts
Heads Up Everyone!
From now on, any advert that has been on our website for two years or more will be deleted unless I hear from the advertiser that they want the ad to remain.
There seem to be a lot of stale ads that people have forgotten about – so no more! Let’s keep the TSOA Classifieds up to date.
This new arrangement will apply from 30th September, so if you are affected and want your ad to remain, let me know.
Otherwise, it’s goodbye out of date advert!
And remember, Everything is For Sale, and Everything is Negotiable . . .
Roger, Website Manager
September 4th, 2018 at 11:04 pm
You mean I have just two years to sell my stuff or the advert disappears? You must be kidding! Two years!??
September 10th, 2018 at 10:16 am
Thanks Roger.
I have been caught out as the owner of the cars ect fail to let us know when they are sold or change their mind.
Just a question then. If they Re-fresh the add with a new price or if some items are sold and others remain in a batch of gear does it start again?
September 10th, 2018 at 10:56 pm
The clock starts from the time the original advert is posted. Extensions past the two year dead line will be by arrangement or by lodging a fresh advertisement.