Social Scene – December 2008

The ladies Technical Lunch was combined with a lunch to catch up with Peter & Jean Boxall from Hervey Bay, who were in town for a visit and it was a good opportunity for them to catch up with some SA members.

The Tony Esau Memorial Trophy run on 16th November was attended by 38 people and much to my abxolute surprise Rory & I were winners on the day.   We now have the pleasure of setting next year’s event.  Thanks to Team Temby for setting a run that took us through the suburbs and hills ending up at Hazelwood Park where everyone enjoyed a club sponsored BBQ.   Thanks go to all those people who helped on the day.   It was also good to see several of our newer members attend and enjoy the day.

The annual run to the Victory Hotel at Sellicks Beach has been booked for Monday 29th December.   This run is always popular and this year Bill Smith is setting the route.

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