Social Scene – July 2008
The ladies technical session was well attended and thanks again to Margie for organising these get togethers
The mid week run organised by Bill saw about 14 people enjoy breakfast/coffee at Newton Shopping Centre before heading off into the hills and ending up at the lobethal Bakery in Woodside for lunch. Report in TRAK
This year’s weekender was again organised by Bill & Margie and what a value for money weekend it was. Thirty five adults and two children enjoyed the delights of the Riverland. Thanks to Bill & Margie for the effort they put in organising the catering which was done by the Girl Guides, and what a splended job they did, to the visit to the Historic Village in Loxton where we had lunch in the Institute Hall and the River Cruise on Sunday morning, plus the free time we had to do whatever took your fancy. It will certainly be a hard act to follow.
Tues 15th July General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Sunday 20th July Reservoir Run – meet 9.00am Target Newton
Tuesday 12th August Ladies Technical Session Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00noon
Wednesday 13th August Mid week run meet 10.30am Crafers Hotel followed by lunch at Strathalbyn
Sunday 17th August Run to Kapunda – meet 8.30am Burnside Town Hall
Tuesday 19th August Annual General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm