Social Scene – July 2012
The run on Sunday 17th June was organised by Peter & Julie. Thirty five people gathered in the carpark of the Victoria Hotel at O’Halloran Hill before setting off for Croissant D’Or at Lonsdale for croissants/Danish pastries and coffee at the factory. The owner of the factory, Danny, showed us the bakery and gave a short spiel on how croissants are made. After everyone had had their full of these delights we headed off along the coast travelling over the Myponga Dam wall and down into Carrickalinga then to Normanville and our destination Lady Bay for lunch.
The mid week run on Wednesday 11th July to David Armstrong’s “shed” has a meeting place of Endue Cnr Grand Junction and Nelson Roads Valley View from 10.00am onwards for coffee, departing at 11.00am. Tony Harvie has put a run together and David & Yvonne are very kindly putting on a sausage sizzle for lunch.
Sunday 15th July is a Jolly Jaunt through the Adelaide Hills ending up at Stirling for coffee/brunch or whatever you want to make it. Meeting place is Burnside Townhall at 9.00am for a 9.30am departure. The run is being organised by Chuck and Dianne.
The run on Sunday 19th August will head to the Military Museum at Salisbury meeting at the Eagle on the Hill lookout (about 250m beyond the old Hotel site).
Sue Gibson