Social Scene – September 2010
The ladies technical session at Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham on 10th August was well attended with lots of discussion about the up coming NSW Nationals and other things Triumph. The next meeting will be Tuesday 12th October at the same venue and we hope to see you there.
The run on Sunday 15th August took us up to the South Australian Company Store in Angaston for either morning tea or an early lunch depending on your choice. The weather could have been kinder as the wind was wicked but the rain generally held off. There were not too many Triumphs present but it was an excellent run through the hills which are looking their best at the moment, and the coffee and food was very good at the destination. Thanks to Greg and Lorraine for organising this successful morning run
The next Sunday run is being organised by Bill and Margie and is on Sunday 19th September meeting at 10.00am at Burnside Townhall carpark and heading to Tenafeate Winery at One Tree Hill.
Bob and John are organising a Technical meeting which will be held on Thursday 28th October meeting at 12.45pm at Performance Alloy Wheels 50 Kinkaid Avenue North Plympton. Please let Bob or John know if you are intending to attend.
Sue Gibson