Social Scene – September 2012

Well funny things happen at AGM’s, including myself taking on the role of Social Secretary.  See what happens when no-one else puts their hand up!

I must say I am happy to take on the role from Sue who has done a sterling job for the past 7 years and has left the portfolio well managed.

Gee, the club calendar is already organised till the end of the year, so at least it will be a good start to the job!

So what about next year? I intend to make some minor changes to our main monthly Sunday runs by focusing more on the run itself, rather than the “eating venue”, therefore finishing our runs with simple BBQ’s or such. Sure we will still have the “fancy” outings, but probably less.

I will be looking for someone to manage the “mid week” runs, as I am still working full time. Please contact me if you are interested or watch out for that tap on the shoulder!

Upcoming events are listed in the back of TRAK as well as promo advertisements inside. Thanks to Rod Dent for organising the august run to the Military Museum, which I believe was enjoyed by those who attended.

Socially Speaking,

Bill Berlemon

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