Socially Speaking – August 2013
Twenty seven adults, 4 children and 2 babies sat down for Lunch at the ‘Slug n Lettuce’ on the 21st July, following a great run set by Bob and Lorraine Cini. It was their first run set for the Club and after about four goes and a speeding fine, a trial Lunch they got it right…Well done guys! The ‘Slug n Lettuce’ provided a great Lunch in particular for children who received an activity pack, a special drinker, a yoyo and a balloon as part of their Lunch deal, at about $7.00 each. My bangers and mash did not disappoint!
Upcoming events: Ladies Lunch August 13th Adelina’s Café, Burnside 12.00noon followed by our club run on August 18th – meet Top of Taps at 10.00am for a run down south….don’t forget Historic Registration expires on August 15th. The AGM is on August 20th where voting for all the committee positions will become very robust …I’m sure!
Flag Marshalling duties Mallala Sunday August 25th – please assist if you can and let Rick know if you can help out.
September includes mid week run, General meeting, Breakfast run take two and the Bay to Birdwood watch at Dequetteville Terrace. Check Trak for full details. Lots of good events coming up – let’s hope the sun shines and brings those Triumphs’s out!
Happy Birthday to the following members: Meranie Vermeer, Tammy Berlemon, Phyllis Rutter, John Wood, Megan Temby, Brian Argent, Mike Temby.
Till next time
Bill Berlemon.