Socially Speaking – December 2013
The Day of Triumph was well attended with 45 cars on display. The weather was fine and there were loads of public visitors to the site – quite a number of members went across the road to Café Primo for a great breakfast – thanks again to Dino Vitesse for his great offer. Trophy winners listed elsewhere. Thanks to everyone who helped on the day.
Our annual observation run saw 35 people head off at the start about half in Triumph’s (not wanting to set next year’s run!). The questions were difficult and brought out the best in Rory and Sue who were the eventual winners! The run was great and BBQ lunch was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Alex and Sue Smithson for all their hard work and setting the run, and setting up our lunch area.
Pleased to report we currently have 74 members signed up for the Christmas dinner (to the relief of Sue!) and will be a great event.
The next Club run will be on December 29th for more food and festivities following Christmas…just what we all need! See Flyer for more details.
2014 will start with the Club informal meeting on January 21st. Just for a change could you please bring along any model cars which you could display for us all to enjoy. It may even be an opportunity to sell any duplicate models or surplus stock – for interest sake it may not be just cars, but any models you would like to share. Ladies will head off to Gelato and coffee as per usual.
Margie and I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Birthday wishes to Maureen Gold, Sue Taylor, Natalie Farrell, and Margie Berlemon.
Till next time – a happier Social Secretary!
Bill Berlemon.