Socially Speaking – September 2013

Our monthly club run on Sunday the 18th saw us take off from the Top of Taps in very wet, blustery conditions to Meadows and Mclaren Vale. About 25 members braved the day but ended up enjoying a spectacular run set by Rory and Sue Gibson.  We could have stayed home for the day, but would have missed out on a great event!

Our annual AGM was well attended and again with lots of arm twisting for committee members. Yours truly has again accepted the challenge for the next twelve months as Social Secretary with Margie’s help of course!

Future Events: September 11th mid week run, meet 10.30am at The Place Next Door.

Sunday 22nd – Breakfast run take two…From Burnside Town Hall…meet 9.00am

Sunday 29th – Bay to Birdwood. It has come to my attention that the routing for the event has changed so cars will no longer be travelling along Dequetteville Terrace. Hence a new meeting place….have a choice of two…(1) on Greenhill Road just before the cars will turn right onto Glen Osmond Road diagonally opposite KFC thereby giving us toilet/food facilities  OR

(2) at the time of printing the TRAK I am negotiating with Scout Headquarters 211 Glen Osmond Road to see if their car park in the front of their building is available for us to possibly hire for the morning – this will give us next door facilities of McDonalds. Therefore either check site one first, and if not there go to site 2 on the morning or ring Bill 0409849314 or check website for updates.

National Meeting 4th-12th October – Queensland – we wish a safe journey to all our participants.

Sunday 20th October – Club run to Roseworthy Agricultural Museum Annual open day.

A huge Congratulations to Duane and Meranie who got engaged in Paris on their recent trip overseas!

Birthday celebrations to Richard Sutherland and anyone else celebrating a Birthday or special event this month.

Hoping we find a new editor to continue after this month’s Trak to keep everyone informed of coming events. If not check the website for details, as this will become our communication to the members.

Till next time

Bill Berlemon

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