TSOA Membership Renewal
Below are some updates on membership renewal for 2013.
Renewal forms will be posted to you in June, which will ensure you have plenty of time to renew your
membership before the due date of 15th August. When you receive your form, please check the
information and update the form if any of your details have changed, before you return this form.
Accompanying the renewal form this year will be a statutory declaration document for historic registration.
Please refer to the section on historic registration in this magazine for use of this form if you have historic
In addition to the usual payment methods, this year we can receive payment via bank transfer. Please
follow the instructions on the membership renewal form for payment via this method and ensure that you
use your unique reference No. provided on the renewal notice. This is essential for our cross referencing of
payments and the normal issue of receipts for each membership renewal. Return of your membership form
is still required if paying by bank transfer to allow for TSOA processing.
I will be advised of all bank transfers on a regular basis so I know when and to whom receipts should be
issued. If you are paying by bank transfer close to a meeting we will require a copy of your bank receipt
before processing of your new membership card can occur.
If you have any questions on this updated process, you can contact me on 8370 7210 or Alex Smithson on
0412 823 789
Natalie Farrell