TSOA Punt Run Report
Unfortunately the forecast of hot weather impacted on the number of TSOA members who attended the punt run on 18 November. Thankfully the weather was not as hot as forecasted and those who did attend had a very enjoyable time. We had a total of 6 cars starting from Adelaide and another joining us at Mannum.
After leaving Civic Park opposite Tea Tree Plaza Shopping Centre we headed through the Adelaide Hills to Inglewood, Gumeracha, Birdwood and to Mt Pleasant for our first stop. What was intended to be only a quick toilet stop at Mt Pleasant ended up being coffee and cake and lots of laughs at the Steam and Whistle Rail Bakery where we rearranged the furniture to accommodate the group.
From there we headed off to Walker Flat for our first punt crossing to meet up again at the lookout on top of the cliffs on the other side of the river for quite a spectacular view. We drove on to Purnong for our second punt crossing before continuing on to Mannum and meeting up for a picnic lunch on the lawns at the park by the river. One car left us here and headed home.
It was difficult to leave, as it was so pleasant in the shade of the gums. However, we ventured on after lunch where we crossed the river on the punt at Mannum and headed to Murray Bridge again crossing the river but this time via the bridge.
From here, two cars headed back to Adelaide while the remaining four cars turned off to Jervois for another punt crossing to Tailem Bend.
From Tailem Bend we headed to Wellington for the final punt crossing and a stop at the Old Court House for a well-deserved ice cream under the shade of the gums overlooking the river. This was our opportunity to say goodbye before everyone headed off along different routes back home to Adelaide.
It was a great day and we thank those who did support the run.
Geoff & Barb Cugley