Socially Speaking – July 2014
Reports for this year’s weekender will be found in other areas of TRak and for next year’s run we are proposing a three day two night event…but will need to watch the area the 2016 Nationals are going to so we don’t duplicate the events.
Forty people have booked into the Pasta Night on the 27th June at the Marche Club and we are confident it will be a great success.
July’s club run is an afternoon run on Sunday 20th July 1.30pm start at the Top of Taps with Afternoon Tea at The Watershed Cafe at Mawson Lakes – having been to the Watershed Cafe before, we have been most impressed with this unique venue on the Greenfields Wetlands.
Tuesday August 5th is the next Ladies Lunch…The Place next Door, Burnside at 12.00noon.
Sunday 24th August is out Lunch run to Currency Creek – meet Top of Taps at 9.30am for a special Menu Deal, Peggy has organised for us at $25.50 per person…please pay a deposit of $10.00 per person next meeting so we can confirm numbers at the venue.
September holds our Annual Club Breakfast on the 21st with the following Sunday 28th the Bay to Birdwood Run with the return to the old run and our meeting spot of Dequetteville Terrace.
As you can see even though it is winter, there is still plenty of club events for you to enjoy.
Till we meet again
Bill Berlemon.