Girl Torque – March 2015

Wow the hot weather is finally here and the weekends have been HOT… hope everyone is keeping cool as best they can.

The first Ladies Lunch went well with 11 people attending including a couple of mere males….which is good and the males are warmly welcomed.

Bill and I have spent several hours and trips to the Barossa to ensure everyone has a good time on the weekender.  Do hope you can all come and enjoy the weekend.  It is the same weekend as last year, just 3 days this time….so come along and participate in the 50th Celebrations!

The Supper Roster is not full, so if you can help out please let me know.  It is not an onerous task, so please help if you can.

Lorraine Cini has taken on the Regalia, so if you have any suggestions for new Regalia let her know.

Take care

Margie Berlemon AM

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