President’s Thoughts for September 2010

The AGM has been conducted and the new committee formed, some new faces along with several carry over members make up the new committee.  The names and positions are shown in the minutes of the AGM which you will find included in this magazine.  My thanks to both the new and continuing committee members for making this commitment for another year.

After a lot of thought, and discussion with others, I finally decided to stand for the position of president.  For those members who do not know me, and with a membership of approx 300, there will be many, here are some brief details.

I am 64 years of age and along with my wife Barb have retired from the workforce. I have always had an interest in cars and for most of my working life I was involved with the automotive industry.  From the mid sixties I had a soft spot for the Triumph TR’s and it was only nearing retirement that I took the plunge and bought my pride and joy, a white 1972 TR6.

Barb and I have both been members of the TSOA for approx 9 years and participate in many of the club runs and events, including National Rallies in both South Australia and Queensland.  In my new role we look forward to attending more regularly than in the past.

Most of our participation has been in the social events, which are successfully run by a group of dedicated people.  I would propose that this feature of our club continue to develop and grow as it has over the past few years.  As well as satisfying the social need of club members, these runs allow participants to enjoy driving their vehicles and also in its own way promotes the club and exposes the general public to our vehicles.  From my point of view there is nothing better than seeing a procession of Triumph TR’s, saloons and Stags winding their way through the Adelaide hills on a sunny Sunday or Wednesday morning, although I acknowledge that this may not necessarily be what everybody enjoys.

In recent months there has been some healthy discussion that should not be ignored as it is important that we try to provide for members what they are looking for in our club.  Quite rightly some members feel we should put more emphasis on our marque and revive other activities associated with the promotion of our vehicles.  I would encourage members to put forward ideas to achieve this end.

I understand that one technical meeting has been arranged in late October to learn about the manufacture of Alloy wheels, and we have also organised a joint run with the Healy Sprite club which has been scheduled for November.  Both events are planned with the intention of developing, learning about and promoting the use of our vehicles.  This is a first small step but hopefully one in the right direction.  I know that these events only scratch the surface of the discussion points that have been raised but we need to start somewhere.
I look forward to being inundated with ideas and the members willing to develop them.You can forward your thoughts to

See you soon John Sampson.

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