President’s Thoughts for July 2011
The weather was perfect for the club sponsored sausage sizzle held on Sunday 19th June at Thorndon Park. The Sunday morning run was well attended by about 48 members who met at “The Place Next Door” at Burnside for coffee and then enjoyed a drive to the pleasant park surroundings at Thorndon Park, Adelaide’s first reservoir.
Although I was away for the weekend and could not attend, I understand an enjoyable lunch of Gourmet sausages was provided on the day. Once again my thanks go out to Margie and Bill for organising the day.
For those members who have their cars on Historic Concessional Registration and do not have internet access, we have included later in the magazine, an extract from the “Code of Practice” detailing the eligibility criteria as documented in the code.
Just a reminder that the August meeting is our AGM and all official positions will become available for re-election, so if you are looking for challenge or feel the need to participate in the running of the club in some small way in the coming year then let your thoughts be known.
Many of the current committee and appointed club positions have been held for several years by a same willing people, and some may be interested in having a break, so speak up as one of these positions may be just what you are looking for.
Till we meet again,
John Sampson