Social Scene – September 2011

The last ladies technical session at Café Buongiorno Mitcham on 9th August saw lots of talk re all things Triumph especially the upcoming National Meeting in October.   The next get together will be Tuesday 11th October at the same venue, and we hope to see you there.

The sun shone, the sky was clear and blue for the run to the Middleton Tavern on Sunday 21st August.   A good number of people brought their Triumphs out in what was a perfect day for a run through the country, stopping off at Willunga for a coffee before heading down to the beach at Middleton.   Unfortunately there was only one whale at Bashams Beach about a kilometre off shore.   Thanks to Greg & Lorraine Page for organising the day and putting on such beautiful weather.  Let’s hope spring is just around the corner with more sunny days like this.
The mid week run on Wednesday 7th September is being organised by Tony Harvie (who we haven’t seen out and about for a while) meeting in the Top Carpark Windy Point at 1.00pm for a 1.15pm departure with the destination being Balance at Meadows (opp the Bakery) for afternoon tea.

Don’t forget the Day of Triumph on Sunday 11th September at Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza.   This is a major event in the Club’s year so let’s see a record number of Triumphs on display, even if you don’t want your car to be judged bring it out and put it on show. This is an ideal opportunity to clean and polish the car in readiness for the upcoming summer months and of course the National meeting (if attending) in October.   Gates open at 9.00am.

Sunday 25th September is the annual Bay to Birdwood car run.   The Club will be setting up on Dequetteville Terrace from 9.00am as in the past.   BYO food, drinks, tables, chairs etc and the Club BBQ will be available for use if anyone wishes to cook breakfast.



Wed 7th  Sept              Mid Week Run meet Top Carpark Windy Point 1.00pm

Sun 11 th Sept             Day of Triumph Gates open 9.00am Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza

Tues 20th Sept            General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 25th Sept              Bay to Birdwood BYO Breakfast Dequetteville Terrace from 9.00am

Tues 14th Oct              Ladies Technical Lunch Café Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon

Sat 15th-Fri 22nd Oct   National Meeting Mt Gambier/Victor Harbor

Tues 18th Oct              NO MEETING THIS MONTH

Happy September birthday to Richard Sutherland and anyone else celebrating a birthday/special occasion during the month.

Sue Gibson

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